What is for YOU is for YOU ONLY

Sometimes God will call you for a specific thing. He will call you to do a particular thing that seem so peculiar. He will lead you to do a thing that you haven't seen before. You may not even feel qualified or the confidence to walk in the lane God has you. You look around and other people don't even believe in what you are being lead to do. People judge you. People ridicule you. People hold private conversations about you. You can tell people have private conversations about you because there's small remarks concerning your situation around you while they talk to others. 

Even though you notice the funny remarks. The negative mindsets towards, the inside conversations, you must keep quiet in the process. What God has for you is for you only. 

In this season you're going to develop relationships that are going to fuel you. You'll have partnerships that will bring clarity and confirmation. You'll gain support from like minded people. God may shift your relationships to fit your season (which means some people may leave or distance themselves from you)

When God assigns a thing to you. Steward it. Pray over it. You may have fear, you may have anxiety, you may not be so sure but confirmation comes to those who truly desire and seek it. God will grant it to you. It may not be in the perfect timing, but never lose expectation. 

The reason confirmation isn't coming sooner is because you may be struggling with your trust in God. You may be dealing with hurt and issues that subconsciously haunt and torment you. 

When it's for YOU and YOU only it's not for others to understand. When it's for YOU and YOU only you won't have to worry about that thing or person being in someone else's hands. Its YOURS BOO!

I know because it's been like that for me. I've struggled, I've had fears, over had torment, I've had blindness, but God will shed light through it all. In the midst of your struggle, seek the light in the dark place. Still have hope and speak life of your desired outcome no matter what it looks or feels like. Give yourself time. Be patient and allow the adjustments to take place. 

When something isn't  for you, it will bring rejection and abandonment. This could be rejection,abandonment, or abuse or fraudulent activity. It can be in business, friendships, relationships, marriage (yet in some cases it can be restored), loans, any type of accounts, purchases or any type of thing or person you may need. The rejection,abandonment, hurt or abuse is for your good regardless of how it feel or what it looks like. You would need to let it go in order to see the good of not having it.

What is for you will bring peace. What God has for you will come with the things you need to move forward. Just because a no is present doesn't mean it will remain. Some no's mean not right now. Just remember What God Has For You is For You only. It will come with loyalty, clarity and faithfulness. It will come.

Some opportunities are not God opportunities and that's why some things dont work out. And that's ok. Do not worry. Opportunities come and go and God opens His windows of Heaven and He pours out blessings in many seasons. You may feel you are missing an amazing opportunity but dont lose sight, opportunities come and go. 

The opportunity you are waiting for will happen. God gives gifts to His children. He knows you desire wealth, he knows you desire deeper love in Him, He knows you need answers, He knows you want a spouse, He knows everything you need. 

While you are waiting on what or who God has for you. Take time to know Him deeper so you know when He talks to you, you'll be able to receive the clarity, faithfulness and loyalty you desire that will come with your confirmation. Confirmation can be yes or no and it's a blessing. 

The best ways to know Him 
●Read the bible (God's characteristics, desires, plans and ways are highlighted all through out the bible)
●Pray ( when you pray, acknowledge God as being supreme, acknowledge all the good things you know about Him first. Talk to him about your struggles, speak out what you desire beyond your struggles,  dont be afraid to cry and release, thank God for what you desire as if it already done and sit or lay in His presence and listen for a small voice. You may thinkit's you, but God comforts in times of prayer) 
●Pay attention to the world around you (God will take to you through advertisements, license plates, people and so much around you.)
●Pay attention to your dreams (Want to understand how God speaks to you in dreams? Look up Dr.Faith on YouTube, she can help you) God uses our dreams because that's when we are most still and focused. We (our bodies) sleep, but our spirit man doesn't. 

Get to know God deeper while waiting and understanding what He has for you. 
When you do that confirmation comes quickly because you are understanding and agreement with God. He will begin to show you much more. 

I hope this blog post helps you and encourages you to be the best you can be and accept the things God has for you. I understand the struggle, but there is always a light shining through those dark areas that will lead you what the best situation is for you. Don't focus on the approval of others, focus on what and who God has for YOU and own it!

Love you! 


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