Am I Really Mature?

If someone asked you, "Do you think you are mature?" I can guarentee you the answer would be yes. I believe everyone believes they are mature. Saying you're mature and being mature is two different things. Maturity is all in your actions and reactions. In order to understand it, think of it as the natural aging process. Babies are immature because they need a lot of tending to even if they may not even realize they need it. In our non perfect world, we have it unnaturally as even some elderly individuals still behave as children. Below are some signs that will definitely reassure you that you are mature.

● You would rather talk things out than to lean to your own conclusions.
●You can admit when you are wrong verbally even if it hurts. 
●You're opened to criticism.
●You understand correction is for your betterment even when it doesn't feel good. 
●You are teachable 
●You understand mistakes are going to be made, and there's always room for improvement. 
●You are honest about your feelings. 
●You are independent in a healthy manner (which means, you know community is needed, yet you don't rely on others to be your all)
●You choose to grow in God.
●You go to God before making major decisions or even decisions involving someone else. 
●You understand that everything is not about you and you can take the back seat on projects and conversations.
●Your view of others are healthy. 
●You give people the option of telling you no without feeling the need to control them. 
●You are ok with someone disagreeing with you. 
●You can adjust your mind frame and ways of thinking, when you see truth in a point being made. 
●You accept people for who they are without being offended by their lifestyle. 
●You accept that you may not be someone's preference or type in any type of relationship without trying to force yourself on them or get uptight about it.
●You know that you are not called to help everyone. 
●You deal with your own issues or issues with others upfront.
●You focus more on internal health then outward appearances.
●You focus on the inner parts of others than the outer appearance. You understand there is a balance of liking what you see and that also aligning with loving how you feel when you are with that person. 
●You aren't easily offended.
●You don't repay evil with evil.
●You don't allow others to take advantage of you. 
●If someone takes advantage of or disrespects you, you can go to that person with respect and dismiss them out of your life. 
●You are selfless in matters of communication.
●You can take advice from someone younger than you. 

There may be more signs as these. Maturity is not a demeanor. Maturity is not a survival tactic because you had to grow up quicker than others. Maturity is not avoidance. Maturity is not about your age. Maturity is not about your circumstances. Maturity is not about your experiences or the car or house you have. Maturity is about your reactions and actions towards others. When you align yourself inwardly, the outer things come. 
When you display and have maturity, the blessings come. Things such as:

●Healthy relationships (you will attract friends or a relationship that will lead to family)
●Job opportunities will come to you. 
●You'll have a healthier mindset. (You'll have peace, you'll give yourself grace, you'll grow in love for others and yourself)
●You can hear God clearer.
● You build yourself up for others to trust you.
●You learn how to trust others (We live in a fallen world so you even learn to trust that people are going to be who they are and you learn to trust that who they are is who they will be if they chose not to grow up, but it won't dictate how you treat them. You'll just learn to live without them) 
When you dive into growing in maturity, you're world changes. You begin to see the world how God sees the world. You begin to see that the reason people are the way they are is because they aren't healed. Many people die, never being healed from their past, and have hurt many people from their immaturity because they never took the time to work on themselves. They spent too much time trying to work on others and focus on others. Now that you have more information, do the work and recieved what God has for you.

The way to growing in maturity is being healed from childhood or even recent trauma so that you can train your brain to think as an adult as God intended. Check out my blog post titled, How Do I Heal??? I hope this link works

Copy and paste it in a web browser 
 That blog post will give you clarity on how to heal. Don't read this blog post and not put things into action. Search this blog and read on how to heal and become proactive immediately. Your blessings are waiting for you. God can not give mature things to immature mindsets. He withholds things because we are not ready for them. God intends for us all to grow in maturity so we can give and recieve mature love. I am on this journey with you and I am choosing to go back and revisit some areas in my life. You should start or revisit as well. 
In the scripture below charity is another word for love. 

1 Corinthians 13:3‭-‬11 KJV
And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.  Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,  Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;  Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;  Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.  Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.  For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.


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